A Guide to IoT deployments

iot deployment

At Ritesim, we understand IoT and want to make sure that your IoT deployments are secure, successful and effective. There are multiple factors that feed into a successful IoT deployment, and as this growing industry continues to scale, we want to help our customers embrace the right connectivity, tools and strategies to be successful. Testing […]

What is a multi-network data SIM?

multi-network data sim

Request a quote A multi-network data SIM card is different to a typical consumer SIM in multiple ways, the most obvious being that the SIM can connect to more than one mobile network at any one time, seamlessly switching between the strongest signal being presented in the SIMs location. This unique capability has driven a […]

SIM cards for payment terminals

payment terminal africa

SIM cards for payment terminals are ideally multi-network SIMs with business grade connectivity. Here at Ritesim we regularly see requests from small business owners, street vendors, food trucks and the like looking for connectivity solutions for the mobile payment terminals. In an ever increasing cashless society the impact of poor connectivity for businesses not having […]

How Cellular IoT is powering the EV charging industry

EV charging

With technology advancing the world is becoming increasingly more connected. The growth of “smart devices” in tandem with digitalisation is having a large impact on every part of human life and driving growth and opportunity across multiple industries to meet the ever-changing global demands. The UK government has announced the ‘Road To Zero’ strategy, a […]

Multi-Network SIMS and Remote Working

remote working

In 2020 many people’s life experienced an unexpected disruption due to the Covid-19 global pandemic, organisations were forced into looking for a new way to operate, while also upkeeping the safety of all staff, the answer was an acceleration of the previously slowly adopted trend into remote working. This trend was also seen in the need […]

What is Nb-IoT and CAT-M1?

What’s the difference? Both networks have been rapidly expanding coverage and reach globally over the last few years, with multiple use cases highlighting the value that these technologies can bring to a business. Previously more typically used in ‘big IoT’ their popularity has been growing in new and emerging verticals because of their many benefits. […]

Connected Cars and IoT

connected cars iot

Connected Cars and IoT The growing popularity of Cellular IoT is enhancing the development and innovation across multiple industries and verticals. Most notably in vehicles, fleet, logistics, and retail. Let’s take a look at connected cars and IoT SIMs. Today, connected cars have two embedded SIMs with two different purposes. The first, is for engine […]

Global Leading Retailer Keeps Trading with M2M SIMs, Europe

IoT trade retail

‘Always on’ retail with M2M SIMs’ Introduction For many retail outlets, an ‘always-on’ internet connection is critical for any who utilises an integrated stock control and payment system.A drop in connectivity can have real business impact, if for example a shop can no longer take payments due to poor internet connection. If the internet goes […]

What 5G means for IoT

5G IoT connectivity

5G and IoT 5G IoT technology has been heralded for years- the dawning of the new age of connectivity. Is this just a marketing bluff or will it live up to its promise? The new connectivity network has been promised to be much more than a mere upgrade to the existing cellular communication technologies. Instead, […]

Why you should choose cellular connectivity for IoT

Whether you’re looking at telemetry projects, fleet tracking, security cameras or on a more basic level, looking to ensure that your devices are always connected; Cellular Internet of Things (CIoT) is a solution that could be perfect for you. Cellular technologies and solutions have been created with an emphasis for reliability, scalability and enhanced security. […]