Connected Cars and IoT

connected cars iot

Connected Cars and IoT

The growing popularity of Cellular IoT is enhancing the development and innovation across multiple industries and verticals. Most notably in vehicles, fleet, logistics, and retail.

Let’s take a look at connected cars and IoT SIMs. Today, connected cars have two embedded SIMs with two different purposes. The first, is for engine performance analytics and the second is for the consumer infotainment system. The Remote SIM Provisioning Chip (RSP SIM) – not seen as a local SIM.

The small, durable and easily programmed cards are driving the advancements in the new technology and automotive manufacturers’ efforts to digitally transform their cars.

How is this possible though?

Global Connectivity

IoT SIMs or eSIMs as they are sometimes known, provide global connectivity across Multiple Network Operators eliminating the need for multiple local SIM cards and the increased costs that usually comes with roaming and carrier management. Due to the additional benefit of a single SIM being able to easily switch between network operators, the SIM can ensure that it is always connected to the strongest signal in any country that it travels to.


IoT SIMs when connected to IoT device management platforms comes with additional security options that reduce the risk of being hacked or having a security breach. Able to come with private APIs or your own private networks, the SIM benefits from additional firewalls and encryption that add to the overall security of the car.


5G in IoT will be the game-changer for connected cars. The 5G network will have lightning-fast speeds and will be able to transmit huge amounts of data in milliseconds. That coupled with an M2M SIM that can connect across multiple networks and operators means that the car will always be connected and provides huge potential for innovation in connected cars and vehicles.

Advanced analytics

Already IoT SIMs have huge analytics and reporting capabilities when connected to award-winning platforms such as Cisco Jasper. For the use in connected cars, however, the advanced analytics reporting will help support the lifecycle management of the cars. The cellular IoT connectivity means that the car can send real-time reporting so that you can remotely change, update or switch off a connected car through the simple and easy-to-use interface. Using the platform means that the car will always be working at optimal levels with the data being used to enhance the driver’s experience.

Worldwide connectivity

There would be no point in driving the car off the manufacturers’ production line, for the car to then not be able to be at peak performance in any part of the world that it is then sent to. The IoT SIMs come equipped and able to connect to any network in the world through one single carrier. Connected cars today have embedded SIMs with their own internet connectivity and are being used in more consumer-type use cases. We believe that the additional connectivity, security, and opportunity that 5G in IoT will bring will propel the connected car market to new levels of connectivity and innovation.


Here at Ritesim, we pride ourselves on our cellular IoT products. If you have a device or vehicle that would benefit from one of our IoT SIMs, get in touch using the form below.


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